Wednesday 16 July 2014

The Holiday Season is Upon Us - Are You Safe?

Summer is here at long last, and many of us will be looking at getting away on holiday, I know I will be.  But it is not only holiday makers that love the summer season, burglars are equally excited at the prospect of empty houses.

With our evolving world of social media and our ever visible online presence, it is well worth taking a step back and remembering that it is not only our friends that are able to see what we are posting.  So, unless we are careful we could potentially leave ourselves vulnerable to the criminals in society and inadvertently provide information which can be used against us.

I know as well as the next person, that holidays are one of the best things to share with your social world, but for your safety, it is probably better to keep the news to yourself till you are home. 

But if you are looking to maintain your online voice, here are just a few things worth considering whilst you are away:

  • Check your privacy to see if your post gives your current location, if it does change it before you make your post.
  • Avoid checking in on Facebook, this just will confirm that you are away from home.
  • Do not post information about your holiday plans, especially dates and locations, at any time.
  • Check that you haven’t added your home address or telephone number to your profile.
  • Wait until your holiday is over before your upload your holiday snaps.

Here is some information from on using Twitter privacy setting, you might find firmer ways of protecting yourself.

Also, there is an excellent guide from Digital Trends to help you tighten up your Facebook security settings, to make you as safe as you can be.

Don’t forget to check all other sites you have accounts with, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. too.

Stay safe and enjoy your summer!

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